

  1. " Interest-Sub-vention-notice-2024.pdf"

  2. Election Notification-2024 

  3. Auction of a Residential House- on dated 21.08.2024

  4. Election Notification-2024 

  5. " Festival Loan with effect from"

    Notification for Puja Fastival-2023

  6. Notification on Final Voter list on -25.04.2023

  7. Member's Final List- 25.04.2023

  8. Pensioner Member's Final Voter List - 25.04.2023

  9. Election Notification 19.04.2023

  10. Public Auction Notification

  11. " Draft Voter List Notification"
  12. " Interest-Sub-vention-notice-2021-22.pdf"

  13. " Festival Loan with effect from 16.08.2022 to 31.08.2022"

  14. HBL interest reducing the notice 

  15. Gift distribution of Visva-Bharati Cooperative Credit Society Ltd

  16. Condolence program-29.03.2022

  17. NIT FOR GIFT 2020-21; Last date:- 15/03/2022

  18. " Notice for Opening-01/11/2021"

  19. " Festival Loan with effect from 23.08.2021 to 31.08.2021"

  20. Notice Inviting Tender ( Date Extension)-  last date-  11.04.2021

  21. NOTICE INVITING TENDER- Last date- 14.03.2021

  22. Notice-02/07/2020

  23. Notice-17/12/2019

  24. Notice-17/10/19

  25. General Meeting

  26. DIVIDEND notice at Visva-bharati Cooperative Credit Society

  27. 82th Annual General Meeting

  28. " Festival Loan with effect from 16.08.2018 to 31.08.2018"

  29.  " Revised rate of interest on deposit schemes w.e.f 10.08.2018" ( 28.05.2018 / 26.07.2018 / 10.08.2018 )
  30. Gift distribution of Visva-bharati Cooperative Credit Society Ltd, scheduled to be held on and from March 06, 2018 in between 11 am to 3 pm. All share holder are hereby requested to collect their gift. 

  31. Wish you all a very very Happy New Year & Commencement of Holiday Home booking at Puri.

  32. New Interest Rate

  33. Submission of Life Certificate for the Pensioner / Family pensioner Members of the Society

  34. Workshop on Theater on September 18, 2017.

  35. Festival Advance upto GP Rs 5400/-

  36. Visva-Bharati Co-operative Credit Society is going to organize, in association with Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension (REC), Visva-Bharati,   a two-day International seminar on “ Vision of Rabindranatha Tagore on Co-operative Society and Community Development”  at Lipika, Visva Bharati during August 18-19, 2017.



© Visva Bharati Cooperative Credit Society Limited